You’re scrolling through your facebook feed or surfing the web and you see it….that ad for some really easy looking DIY (Do It Yourself) website builder. It’s cheap, maybe it’s even free, and you think…hmmmm I could do that and save myself some money on an expensive website. It’s the same thing right? A website on the internet.
And that’s the thing, they aren’t the same. That DIY website builder is offering you a templated design/layout….meaning everyone and their mother will be using the same one. So how will you standout? It won’t match your brand, and even if you can make some changes to make it a little different…odds are there are going to be major limitations to what you can change.
Now if looking like every one else doesn’t really matter to you, at the very least it should greatly matter whether your website can be found or not! What good does a website do you if no one can find it, no one sees it. The whole goal of having a business website is for potential clients/customers to find you right? And with a DIY website builder you’ll be missing many of the key SEO tools that are critical in a website being successful.
Yes, getting a professionally done website can be expensive. But keep in mind that it is a ‘marketing tool’ and every marketing tool is going to have a cost. You pay for business cards, letterhead, brochures and more without really thinking about it…but the fact is, your website will have a much higher ROI (return on investment) when professionally built than any other tool in your marketing arsenal. So as such, your website should cost more.
A professional website can increase business, help potential customers/clients reach you, and even sell products. The PC Help Desk can help you with a professional website.
Our web developer, Jen has over 15 years experience in web design and development. Her marketing first approach to web development ensures your professional website will be found and will be worth every penny you spend.